Thursday, July 1, 2010

inauguration or independence day?

(to which i dunno if june 3o was a holiday because of inauguration or because of independence day?!hahahaha)

I just woke up, when my mom was yelling to my nanny saying "call me when the inauguration starts". Then a minute after she said it, the most awaited program started.

I never thought that P' and VP's inauguration day has a lot of song numbers. I mean I thought inauguration day must be focused on the oath taking of the elected officials and not to the song numbers of those artists. To which it should be. And wait!!! Did Charice sang the national anthem live? because she sounded like it was recorded.

the song numbers made me feel like as if I'm watching an independence day program. Song about freedom and changes were performed.

I salute the composers for making a great piece. Maybe it will be appropriate when all the intermission of some sort has been performed right after the oath taking.

After the inauguration, feedbacks from audience, writers as well as televiewers has been posted/aired thru facebook, radio, television and newspapers. Some comments i heard were:

> I love it when VP arrived riding on a electric jeepney; this shows what a true filipino is; not ashamed of where he comes from; and to what kind of car he brings.

>Have you heard about the speech of the P's about the "wang-wang" thing? i dunno if he was just doing it for the sake of changes or for the sake of good impression?

> The P is beginning to be a good role model to everyone.

> What's wrong with the program did P' just arrive early or VP was just late?

> Those two are really the best tandem! this could be the start of something new.


But one thing I am sure of, these two intelligent and strong individuals can really make the country as better than what it has been for the past few years. Proud to be Pinoy!!! =)


Fun and Fearless said...

It's a good thing that they chose "Change" as the theme of the program. I hope it's not "ningas-kugon".

Unknown said...

hahaha...korek nay...