There is a bag inspection a while ago at the office, it's just a trip inspection on my bag, because they are really curious why I always carry a heavy bag. So, for fun, my officemates looks what's inside my bag. Good thing, I'm about to arrange my stuff, so I allow them then.
Here's what's inside it:
1. pink wallet. It's not really what my wallet looks like, but it's pink. It's where my receipt, and i.d's are kept.
2. cellphone. Well, it's not as updated as other phones like blackberry and samsung but what I like most about it is that, it is handy, because it is small; it doesn't have memory cards or bluetooth, which is safe from any types of virus; it has a camera; it is not black and white, and it can easily get signal even if we are in the province.

3. camera. Everyone knows that I love pictures especially when I'm the subject (hahaha). I always bring it, because with the kind of job I have, I should be ready for documenting everything. Also I don't know who will visit at the office which I might like.

4. planner. I'm a busy person. Everyday is all about paperworks and meetings. So I need to bring it to keep my schedules on track. It's been my secretary for almost 3years now and I'm glad that those planner never disappoint me. Only the cancel hanging-out with friends schedule does.

5. cologne. My savior, and my refresher. I always apply this not just on my body, I spray it also around working area in the office, especially when my officemate return at his desk after his Yosi Break ("Smoking". It really smells bad).
6. Kit. my sanitizer, handsoap and a bug spray courtesy of Human Nature. Also a comb, ponytail and a wet tissue. Of course, It's a must for every girl, it's what makes me clean and protected from any kind of germs and insects.
7. mirror. this is what I must always bring because, my eyelashes just always get inside of my eyes everytime I rub it.

8 Biscuits. It's what I eat eveytime I had nothing to do or most of the time when I had tons of things to do at the office. It helps me perform my task appropriately.
9. Chocolates. Stress reliever and an easy to hide food. (I don't want to share it with them, SOMETIMES...hahaha bad girl).

10. Water Jug. I'm just not fond borrowing glass or mugs at the office kitchen because I don't know if it was clean properly or not. So to avoid borrowing, I bring my own water jug.

11. Handkerchiefs. Since we will transfer in our new office on July. Our current office (the old one) comfort room doesn't have a hand drier, I bring my hanky with me, so whenever I washed my hands, I had something to make my hands dry.
12. Charger and connectors. With all the phone calls and text messages I have to received and respond with, my phone easily dies. So I need this one to make it alive again. As well as some connectors for my pictures to be easily transfered in my computer.
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