I love browsing my friends photos' especially when i see in the news feed that they have posted new pictures. And when I browse each of the pictures. I get so envious... yes! you read it right, I envy them because I can see them happy having siblings which I don't have, and I can see them having lots of fun spending time with their bestfriend. Like they can go somewhere anytime they wish to go out. Which I thought when will I ever experience such?
My friends which I will just called by my created names.
Isa have her sister
Mcoy have her siblings
Poosh have Zain
Sassy have Jayz
Like for the past few days, I really want to watch musicale, movie and do stuff outside our house. But I can't do everything because I don't have any companion. I tried to invite some of my friends, so they could join me, but they are all busy. Sad, but I understand. Because I know that in this society, with the continuous price increase to things, food and stuff, we really need to work hard just to survive.
It's kind of sad, knowing that I can do everything watch movies and stuff. But I am not happy when I do it alone. =(
That's why whenever I am invited by my beloved friends to go out with them, I immediately respond to it. Because I know that, that's what makes me happy. I don't feel any loneliness at all. With them I see colors, I see that I don't only have friends, but I have siblings by nature. Time comes that we need to go home to our own place after long hours of bonding, and it was also the time I say "going back home, going back to my old routine."
To end this... I'll share a video from one tree hill...
And a video with lyrics by: Sandi Thom - Lonely girl in his Album: Smile...It Confuses People.
Lyrics | Sandi Thom - Lonely girl lyrics
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