Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Must Watch!!!

A lot of my friends were so curious with things I post on my wall lately, and asked me questions like why do you keep on posting youtube and pictures of tv shows instead of an update about your adventures and your life. hehe Well, I'm just fascinated by it. I could watch those tv shows over and over without getting bored. :p I even dream of it most of the time. Too hook right? hehehe anyway, don't blame me, blame them for doing such an incredible series. :) anyway, these are what I'm being obsessed with for a couple of days/months. hahahaha

Pretty Little Liars
 Don't Trust a Pretty Girl with an ugly secret.

Jane By Design
Devil Wears Prada+ Betty La Fea. :)

New Girl
Jess is a sweet, bubbly, and cute lady. ehehe

One Tree Hill
 I''m quite sad that this will be their last. But I will buy their dvds. hehehe :)