It's my birthday today, but I'm less happy. Well, I'm happy, but I'm happier last year.
After New Year, I really look forward for my birthday; I always prepare food, or something just to treat my family and friends. But as I think about my birthday, I don't know exactly what to feel, because my birthday is also my grandfather's death anniversary, it's 18years I think since he died, I am 3 years old then. We may not bond with him that long but I know that he's happy that our family is doing great. We miss and love him soo much.

Happy Birthday to me!!!

Celebrate my 21st with my friends @ Tokyo Tokyo!!!
On the lighter side...
Facebook has been really popular to people these past few months and Text Messaging has been decreasing, I could feel that. For the past few years, I've been expecting people to greet me for my birthday through SMS, and I'm expecting that they will flood my inbox with their nicest greetings. But this year it was different, I received less text greetings and my facebook account was flooded by their "happy birthday" greetings.

Well, I guess we really want to spend less, especially for people who lived far than where I live. ehehe... But then I am still thankful because even though SMS greetings lessens, they did not forget my birthday...
I Heart you guys!!!