Saturday, June 26, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010

I was sitting at the sofa; reading Kikomachine Comics, when I saw set of books underneath the center table. It was black, thick and was protected by a plastic cover. I thought it was a horror book, so i decided not to get it. But the voice inside my mind doesn't stop bugging me with these books. I asked my cousin about the book, and she told me that it's her baby. It's her Edward Cullen and Bella Swan's love story. It was in that moment that I had the idea that it's Stephenie Meyer's works. I borrowed it from her and promised to give it back after i am done reading.
Upon opening the pages of this book, I thought it will give me a hard time understanding each paragraph like The Tale of two cities. But it never did. The book is nice. It consists of 24 Chapters and 500pages. The events of this book are very detailed that gives you a clear vision on what is really going on in Forks. Some parts of this book is not included in the movie. Which gives me the idea that, it will be great if this book will be a television series like the vampire diaries, so everything will be included.
Things that are not included in the movie and some parts that is different from what is written:
The Movie. 1. First Part: Jacob and Billy went to Charlie's house and surprised Bella with her new Truck. It is in that part Jacob introduced himself to Bella. 2. Port Angeles: When Bella is searching on Edwards' true Identity, she go inside the Bookstore and buy a book about the Quileutes; 3. The Hunt: When the evil vampires is hunting Bella, Bella's jacket was worn by Rosalie. 4. Phonecall: In the Hotel in Phoenix Bella talks to James(evil vampire) outside the hotel while Alice and Jasper is talking to the receptionist. Bella secretly go to her Ballet studio while Alice and Jasper is talking to the receptionist.
The Book. 1. Scary Stories: It is at the beach where Bella met Jacob. 2. Port Angeles: Bella didn't go inside the bookstore, because it is not what she's expecting. The Bookstore's windows are full of crystals, dream catchers and books about spiritual healing. 3. The Hunt: Bella and Rosalie exchange clothes, so that the evil vampires will chase Rosalie instead of Bella 4. Phonecall: Bella talks to James(evil vampire) inside the room while Alice and Jasper is at the sofa. Bella secretly go to her Ballet studio passing through the window of the comfort room at the airport while Jasper is waiting outside and Alice was waiting for the boarding of Edwards' airplane.
The Chapters. 5. Bloodtypes: The Red Cross is having a blood drive in Port Angeles next weekend so Mr. Banner their biology teacher suggests all students to prick their finger with the lancet and put a small drop of blood on each of the prongs. This is for them to know their blood type. Of course, Edward didn't come to class. I suppose he knows that this will happen; and if he did attend, their secrets will be revealed. Bella told his Professor that she knows her blood type already while feeling weak. While she's watching how Mr. Banner squeeze Mike's finger to make the blood flows. She feels like she is fainting. So she asked Mike to take Bella at the Clinic. As they walk through the corridor, she hear a very familiar voice. Right, It's Edward. Asking Mike to go back to their Biology class and that he will take care of Bella. At the clinic. Edward is laughing at Bella, because of the fact that Bella faints but she's not the one who has been pricked by their professor. 10. Interrogations. Jessica wants to know what happened between Bella and Edward at Port Angeles. So she interrogates Bella by asking her about her feelings towards Edward. While Edward is listening to their conversation (he can read minds except Bella's).
Twilight is a romantic-fantasy book written by Stephenie Meyer that focuses on the development of a relationship between human teenager Bella Swan and vampire Edward Cullen, and the subsequent efforts of Cullen and his family to keep Swan safe from a coven of evil vampires. In 2008, It became a movie through Catherine Hardwicke (director). Edward Cullen was played by Robert Pattinson and Bella Swan was played by Kristen Stewart. It is the first film in "Twilight Saga Film Series".
*If leaving is the right thing to do, then i'll hurt myself to keep from hurting you. To keep you safe.
*Of course, keeping you safe is beginning to feel like a full-time occupation that requires my constant presence.
*To me, it was like you were some kind of demon, summoned straight from my own personal hell to ruin me.
*But I resisted, I don't know how. I forced myself not to wait for you, not to follow you from school. It was easier outside, when i couldn't smell you anymore, to think clearly, to make the right decision. I left the others near home-- I was to ashamed to tell them how weak I was.
*Bella, I couldn't live with myself if ever hurt you. You don't know how it's tortured me.
*You are the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever.
*I would rather die than to stay away from you.-Bella
*Bella, I've already expended a great deal of personal effort at this point to keep you alive. I'm not about to let you behind the wheel of a vehicle when you can't even walk straight. Besides, friends don't let friends drive drunk.
*Don't be self-conscious, If I could dream at all, it would be about you. And I'm not ashamed of it.
*Just give me a minute to restart my heart.
*I'm just pleasantly surprised, In the last hundred years or so, I never imagined anything like this. I didn't believe I would ever find someone to be with... in another way than my brothers and sisters. And then to find, even though it's all new to me, I'm good at it... at being with you.
*Isn't it supposed to be like this? The glory of first love, and all that. It's incredible, isn't it, the difference between reading about something, seeing it in the pictures and experiencing it?
*I know at some point, something I tell you or something you see is going to be too much. And then you'll run away from me, screaming as you go. I won't stop you. I want this to happen, because I want you to be safe. The two desires are impossible to reconcile.
*I was prepared to feel... relieved. Having you know about everything, not needing to keep secrets from you. But I didn't expect to feel more than that. I like it. It makes me... happy.
*If you let anything happen to yourself-- anything at all-- I'm holding you personally responsible. Understand that?
*You don't. But that doesn't mean that you aren't still a temptation to every one of them. If you had appealed to the tracker--or any of them-- the same way you appeal to me, it would have meant a fight there.
* Bella, don't you dare waste time worrying about me. Your only concern is keeping yourself safe and-- please, please-- trying not to be reckless.
*Our family is strong. Our only fear is losing you.-Alice
*I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here as long as you need me.
*No, I don't want to be without you, Bella, of course not. Be rational. And I have no problem with saving you either-- If it weren;t for the fact that I was the one putting you in danger... that I'm the reason that you're here.
*You are my life. You are the only thing it would hurt me to lose.
*I told you I'm not going anywhere. Don't be afraid. As long as it makes you happy, I'll be here.
* To be perfectly honest, she'll be unavailable every night, as far as anyone besides myself is concerned. No offense. And I'm sorry about your evening.
*Bella, I won't let anything hurt you--not even yourself. I won't let go of you once, I promise.
Dauntlessly-intrepid; Verbose-talkative; Scanty-insufficient; Niche-a place, use, or work for which a person or thing is best suited; Pallid-wan, pale; Feebly-weak; ineffective; Queasy-easily upset; Petulance-impatient; Twinge- stabbing pain; Wryly- twisted; Veered-to change direction; Cryptic- hidden, secret; Fidgeted- move restlessly; Morose-gloomy; Deciphered-decode; Condone-to overlook; Excruciating-intensely painful or distressful; Gratuitous- given or granted without asking anything in return; Fidgeting-move restlesstly; Mirage-optical phenomenon that creates an illusion; Smirk-to smile in an affected; Irk-annoy; irritated; Profanities-abusive, vulgar; Lumped-a dull-witted person; Allured-To attract with something desirable; Herded-a group of animals doing things together.
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